About "Kropla szczęścia"

Here you will find all information about the Foundation and its statuary objectives.

The aim of Foundation

„Drop by drop is the water pot filled" – is the motto of our Foundation, which is created by people who like to help and for whom helping is the need of the heart. The aim of Foundation is charitable and beneficent activity, especially helping people suffering from disruptive diseases or disabilities and life accidents, as well as people who are finding themselves in a difficult life and material situation. Our Foundation is a public benefit organization operating in Myszków since 2017. As a non-profit organization we do not charge comissions from collected collections, which means that all funds received are fully allocated to the implementation of statutory aims.




The Foundation achieves its goals by:

  1. Collecting funds among natural and legal persons and other organizational units.
  2. Organizing and running sport events, lotteries, cultural, artistic events,
  3. Organizing public collections in social media and zrzutka.pl,
  4. To provide donators or other people who contribute to achieving the goals of the Foundation a license to use its trademark or a right to inform about charitable support of the Foundation’s activity.
  1. Cooperation with faniMani.pl
  2. Possibility to transfer 1% tax


Volunteers help selflessly in the daily work of the Foundation.
They, together with those under their care, are the heart of the Foundation. Ready to share their own time and ideas, they help build a better future for others. An adult may be a volunteer with whom we sign a cooperation agreement, which includes duration of cooperation and type of work provided. Adolescents in the care of adults can also help. Our initiatives involve not only volunteers as individuals, but also companies, associations, local government institutions, because „together we can do more".


Partners & sponsors

  • sokpol producent soków
  • Husky
  • fanimani
  • bsmyszkow
  • Energy
  • dziennik zachodni
  • itvregion
  • itvregion
  • mdk
  • osp myszków