Would you like to help?

Support for the foundation's activities and projects is obtained through private and corporate donations.

Make a donation. You can make a donation to the „Kropla Szczęścia” Foundation by bank transfer.

Fundacja Kropla Szczęścia
ING Bank Śląski S.A.:
94 1050 1142 1000 0090 3120 2915

Foreign payments to help:
IBAN: PL 94 1050 1142 1000 0090 3120 2915
ING Bank Śląski S.A.:

Foreign payments in EUR:
IBAN: PL 47 1050 1142 1000 0024 3110 6190  

Set up monthly donations from your bank account.

Regular donations are a simple and effective way to support the people we are helping. Monthly gifts, however small, allow us to plan ahead knowing that we have a reliable source of revenue.

Donate material goods

The foundation encourages donations of used or unwanted items such as; dolls, building blocks /lego, jigsaw puzzles, games, cds/dvds, clothing, books in good condition (no soft toys, please).

Partners & sponsors

  • sokpol producent soków
  • Husky
  • fanimani
  • bsmyszkow
  • Energy
  • dziennik zachodni
  • itvregion
  • itvregion
  • mdk
  • osp myszków