„Drop by drop is the water pot filled.”
- Buddha
Integrative Family Picnic "Safe Myszków" - report
On June the 2nd 2019, we had a fantastic time during the Integrative Family Picnic – Bezpieczny Myszków na Dotyku Jury in Myszków.
Kropla Szczęścia Foundation, together with the organisers, took care of providing attractions and unforgettable experiences. Already from the morning, a full of emotions Beach Volleyball Tournament for men started, who fought for the win with impressive energy and engagement. Winners were awarded with cups, which were traditionally brought by our wards from Warsztaty Terapii Zajęciowej w Wojsławicach. We want to thank all the players for their positive energy and support for our proteges. During the whole picnic, our volunteers raised 5 227.66 zł, which will be fully given to support our wards.
Expressions of gratitude to our all Partners and Sponsors, thanks to whom everyone could take part in provided attractions and spend this Sunday’s afternoon in a nice atmosphere.
We are also thankful to everyone who took care of the artistic background of this event.
We invite you to our gallery.